The Interreg CINEMA project aims to bring life back to neglected spaces in city centers thanks to the creative industry (CI).
The revitalization of urban areas, especially the inner (old historical) urban areas, is a key challenge for social cohesion and competitiveness in the Danube region. Many inner city areas suffer from depopulation due to industrial transformation, changing consumer habits, suburbanisation, etc.
At our Slovak, local level, we are cooperating in this project with Creative Industry Košice. The CINEMA project is to support the future Creative Center of the Košice Region.
Project aims:
- improve the innovative framework conditions for the creative industries and urban regeneration in the Danube region by developing and testing an innovative model, tools and services based on mutual enrichment and start-up activities between KP and urban sectors such as retail and small businesses.
- build capacity and promote cooperation between all actors and stakeholders in order to sustainably improve the framework conditions for innovation for CIs and urban economies. The CINEMA Quadruple-Helix Partnership will act as a policy driver for improving transnational dialogue and cooperation at institutional and political level, especially between municipalities and cities in the Danube region.
- drawing up three roadmaps to support the formation of new and restructuring of old urban economies that meet the environmental and social challenges of the DR, such as the revitalization of abandoned buildings and abandoned urban centers;
- developing tools and services for business support organizations and policy makers to improve innovation capacity in the CI and urban sectors with a strong focus on start-up activities
test all tools to bring creativity and innovation in the urban sectors and initiate 5 cross-sectoral cooperation projects and set up 3 CI support centers - building a sustainable network of key actors in urban development
- Preparing a set of transnational policy recommendations, including 8 local action plans
Lead partner:
- Obchodná komora Slovinska (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia) – SI
Project partners:
- CIKE (Creative industry Košice) – SK
- Agentúra na podporu regionálne rozvoja Košice – SK
- Stuttgartská univerzita masmédií – DE
- Stuttgartská korporácia regionálneho ekonomického rozvoja – DE
- Agentúra na regionálny rozvoj mestského regiónu Ljubljana – SI
- Agentúra rozvoja západného regiónu – RO
- Mestská samospráva Resita – RO
- Štúdio Komplekt – BG
- Horné Rakúsko – OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH – AT
- CIMA Consulting and Management LLC – AT
- Mestská samospráva Gabrovo – BG
- Mesto Leonding – AT
- Agentúra na regionálny rozvoj Backa – SB
- Mesto Sombor – SB
- Agentúra na rozvoj severného regiónu – MD
- Mestská radnica Balti – MD
Asociated partners:
- Regionálna správa Plovdiv – BG
- Mesto Nový Sad mestská správa kultúry – SB
- Mestská samospráva Kamnik – SI
- Košický samosprávny kraj – SK
- Mesto Linz – AT
Project duration:
7/2020 – 12/2022