In cooperation with Ukraine, the event discussed the issue of adaptation to climate change, mitigating its consequences from the global to the local level, and the issue of sustainable transport to mitigate climate change.
Participants from the professional public, including representatives of cities and self-governing regions, appreciated the information received from transport experts from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The issue of traffic models in Slovakia was one of the topics of the event organized in cooperation with IDS Východ.
April 2022
In the context of the outbreak of war in Ukraine, it was possible to transfer part of the project’s funds to humanitarian aid for project partners in Uzhgorod.
April 2021
In cooperation with Ukraine, the event discussed the issue of adaptation to climate change, mitigating its consequences from the global to the local level, and the issue of sustainable transport as a measure to mitigate climate change.
1. BLOCK: Climate change – Adaptation and mitigation of consequences
from global to national level
Adaptation to climate change at the national level
Climate change policy – a Ukrainian perspective
Climate change policy – a Ukrainian perspective
Contribution on the topic Climate change and the need for landscape renewal
BLOCK 2: Climate change – Adaptation and mitigation of consequences from regional to local level
Climate change and its manifestations – Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
Research on climatic changes of heavy precipitation in the territory of Transcarpathia
Presentation of the CLIMADAM project – about the project
The CLIMADAM project and its activities in Ukraine
Climate change adaptation strategy for the Košice self-governing region
Regeneration of intra-block spaces – HUBa Coworking
Revitalization of agricultural and forest landscapes
BLOCK 3: Sustainable transport as a measure to mitigate climate change
Transport strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2030
Development of a high-quality transport model of the city
Transport in Uzhhorod and its surroundings – problems and their solutions
Bus transport as one of the forms of sustainable transport
Bus transport as one of the forms of sustainable transport
Rail transport as a form of sustainable transport
Cyklistická doprava ako forma udržateľnej dopravy